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Data Apps

AI Adoption Data from the U.S. Census Bureau

As illustrations of our work, we have created two interactive data apps.

 The first one is entitled National AI Adoption Tracker . This app shows updated data for percentage of U.S. firms saying yes to using AI and intending to use AI, also it concurrently shows firms saying No to using or intending to use AI. 

The lower two panels of this app allow you to interactively explore AI adoption trends across U.S. states and across different industry sectors and firm sizes.

The second app looks at detailed data on AI adoption among US firms. It is entitled How are US Businesses Adopting AI .

This data was collected by the US Census Bureau in December 2023 through February 2024. This app allows you to look at this data at the National, Sector, State and Firm-size levels. You can pick a question and other choices and examine a bar chart of corresponding data.

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